Photogrammetric capture of a classical grave stele
Artifact housed at the Sifnos Archaeological Museum (Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο Σίφνου) Κάστρο 840 03, Greece
Αρ.Κατ.203. Μαρμάρινη τεφροδόχος κάλπη με κάλυμμα που μιμείται στέγη. Σώζει την επιγραφή:
Αναξίδημος / Αναξίδημου / του Θεμίστωνος
Από το Κάστρο (δωρεά Ιερέως Β. Πρόκου)
Ελληνιστικοί Χρόνοι
Mus. No. 203. Marble funerary urn with roof-shaped cover from the Kastro. Hellenistic.
"Visualizing RTI" Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) is a method by which artifacts can be analyzed for surface features like inscriptions or textures. This animation of a photogrammetric capture of Ptolemaic priests demonstrates how this process works
Artifact is Property of the University of Southern California Archaeology Research Center collection
Photogrammetric Capture using Artek Spider of two fossilized bird bones - these two individual pieces are joined in Autodesk Maya to show how they can be reassambled digitally
Artifact is Property of the American School of Classical Studies Weiner Laboratory

"storyboarding" how the experience should pan out
conceptual video of how this experience could function as a teaching tool